Some are obsessed with slowing down the process of aging,I have become obsessed with the process of accellerating the aging process. Over the years,as i may have stated somewhere else in this blog, I have been drawn to the weathered,battered,and graffiti covered facades of condemned buildings in the city. They stand as a testiment that what man creates will return to dust and the elements that the ultimate creator has shaped around us will have the last word in the story of our "brilliance". I live in an age where mankind boldly exalts itself as being the gem of all creation. This is true part...but as a whole we are but children boasting before the heavens of our accomplishments as we stand before structures that we have built in this temporal sandbox.The elements will always remind us that the work of our hands is temporal and should ultimately evoke a sense of reverance for all that has existed before we began to shape and prune the things of this world. The bigger the commotion that we make,the more of a footprint that we leave in the wake of our "progress", the more my own heart stirs to see things succumb to a more natural order. Some would say that unbridled nature is cruel...but I say there is nothing more cruel than a concrete jungle.
Here is a small slab of the concrete jungle from my latest work.
Concrete Jungle