During my first two weeks in my studio at Lowe Mill I have had the great pleasure of coming into contact with many spectacular artists. Two artists in particular have really been striking to me both in the quality of their craft and there character as wonderful human beings.
Cindy Wagner is an artist who holds a wealth of life experience and a toolbox of creative skills that make her creative force of nature. If you have a chance visit her space in studio 2053 at Lowe Mill Arts & Entertainment. or visit Cindy online at http://www.3andahalfmuses.com
Stacy Morgan is someone who's love for her craft is evident the moment you walk into her studio. Each work matters to her and I love to hear her speak of how thrilled she is when she sees her work emerge from the Kiln...which she has playfully described as a moment that is like Christmas morning. If her work emerging from the kiln is like Christmas morning then she must be really having a good time because Stacy is producing amazing work at a feverish pace. The highlife for me is that her pottery is amphibious, reptilian, and cephalopodic..what is not to love about that. Visit Sacy at Studio 2000 or online at http://www.spmorganstudio.com